Eulogy Part 1

This is the eulogy that I wrote in the middle of the night and read at my Mom’s funeral on December 20th, 2010.  I have split it into 2 parts:

How does one describe Carole Pearce?  I think everyone here could come up with some pretty good stories.  But, I think in the end we would all agree on some basic truths about Mom.  Faith, Family and Humor.

Mom’s faith led her down many paths, some led to joy and some led to incredible pain.  She trusted that God had a plan, even if he wasn’t willing to share the plan with her.  Mom had a faith-filled upbringing that I believe gave her strength when she needed it.  She didn’t just take the strength, she lived her life in a way that showed where her strength came from.  She never pretended to live without God’s help and intervention.  She even went against her life-long creed, “I will never marry a farmer.”  She trusted that it was the right thing to do.  And the decision to marry my Dad led to new and exciting experiences, like driving a grain truck down a steep hill towards a slough; with my Dad guiding her, and possibly having a few chuckles.  She had an incredible life ahead of her with everything she could have ever hoped for.  She had been faithful and it had come back to her.

Then after just 3 years it all exploded and her life was never to be the same.  I’m sure she questioned why many, many times.  But, she still trusted God to bring her through.  She had insurmountable challenges in the first 6 months with trials, lawyers, farming, an auction sale, a toddler and an infant.  She had unified support from family and the community that she knew was sent by God to help her through.   She also used her experience to help others.  She wrote letters of forgiveness and had open communication with men who were her potential enemies.  Partly due to Mom’s generosity of spirit, both of these men are now Christians.  One is a full time councilor in a halfway house; the other is still working out the kinks but is trying.  Mom went where she felt she was needed to speak and inspire people to face their fears and their enemies.

Since Mom became sick in June of 2009 she began to pray like never before.  She would wake in the night in the hospital and whoever popped into her mind she would pray for them.  She felt she still had purpose as long as she could pray and tell people what God had done for her.  In her last few weeks she was unable to get out of bed or control much of her body.  But she could pray.  We would hear her praying all times of the day and night.  Sometimes it sounded like a conversation and she would tell me, “I’ve been talking to God today.”  And I would say,”And what did He have to say.”  Her answer would vary but it always came down to, “He knows everything so I don’t have to.”  Her last audible word was “Amen” in the middle of last Wednesday night.

Music became her refuge in the hospital and at home this past year.  She loved music.  She grew up surrounded by music and married into a musical family.  One of her favorite memories of my Dad was when he would go to the nursing home with his guitar on a quiet afternoon and he would sing for the residents.  So, we made sure she had music 24 hours a day, if necessary.  It helped give her peace.  And some of her favorites were played during the viewing tonight.

Mom used her gift of sewing to bring clothing and smiles to the needy.  Last year she sent children’s t-shirts to a Northern reserve as well as to Mexico.  She finished the last one right before her first visit to the hospital.  This year she really got into making the little animals that we have on display.  She would give them to babies at church and anyone that she knew that needed a cuddle, even a few adults.  The last batch she made went in the Christmas shoe boxes to Haiti in November.

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